Big Bang Quiz

The last 5 digits or the last two letters of the random block hash form the lucky value of the quiz.

Rule: The block hash address generated by random transfer once a day is the lottery standard

odds: 0.5U tokens each time, and the maximum odds are 90000 times

Award deduction:

When the player chooses a letter that is the same as the last letter of the block hash, 10 times the odds, that is 5U rewarded.

When the player chooses two letters that is the same as the last two letters of the block hash, 700 times the odds, that is 350U rewarded.

When the player chooses a digit, which is the same as any of the last five digits of the block hash, 6 times the odds, that is 2U rewarded.

When the player chooses two digits, which are the same as the last two digits of the block hash, 60 times the odds, that is 30U rewarded.

When the player chooses three digits, which are the same as the last three digits of the block hash, 700 times the odds, that is 350U rewarded.

When the player chooses four digits, which are the same as the last four digits of the block hash, 8000 times the odds, that is 4000U rewarded.

When the player chooses five digits, which are the same as the last five digits of the block hash, 90000 times the odds, that is 45000U rewarded.

Note: When selecting multiple numbers or letters, the order must be exactly the same as the reference to obtain the corresponding rewards.

Each group of numbers or letter combinations can only be chosen once.

Last updated