Atlas Arbitrage Strategies

Activate the exclusive Atlas intelligent arbitrage robot

Activation conditions:

LP Staking: 10U token +10USDT to get the right to use Atlas Robot;

The amount of USDT deposited is 5U-1000U for each account.

Daily return is 0.1%-3%


If you want to arbitrage more, you can:

1. Contact customer service to apply for a new account and activate again;

2. You can use an additional 15U integer multiple of tokens to increase the 1000U integer multiple arbitrage quota.

Contract termination:

20% management fee will be deducted for the termination of the contract within 1-15 days;

15% management fee will be deducted for the termination of the contract within 16-30 days;

5% management fee will be deducted for the termination of the contract within 31-90 days,

0 management fee will be deducted for the termination of the contract over 90 days

Last updated