Transaction Fee

Slippage tolerance for buying: 15%

Distribution mechanism::

5% added to the pot to ensure that the LP continues to deepen and rise

The remaining 10% is used as market incentive. Reward scheme:

When users buy tokens, 10% of slippage will be shared by the top 10 recommenders,

which are 4%, 2%, 0.5%, 0.5%, 0.5%, 0.5%, 0.5%, 0.5%, 0.5%, 0.5% respectively.

Rewards are directly distributed to wallets through smart contracts

Slippage tolerance for selling: 15%

Distribution mechanism:

Consensus Fund: 2.5%, which will be stored in the independent wallet of consensus fund for marketing

Black Hole: 2.5%, which are destroyed automatically

LP Staking Dividend: 5%, which is used for weighted dividends to all users staking LP

Tokens Holding dividend: 4%, which is weighted distribution to all users holding tokens

Grand Prize Pool: 1%, which is automatically allocated to FOMO cumulative prize pool.

Last updated